Linux System Administration (Elective - I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]

Linux System Administration (Elective - I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]
Linux System Administration (Elective - I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]


Course: Linux System Administration

Unit – I
Introduction To Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
  • Linux
  • Open Source and Red Hat
  • Origins of Linux
  • Distributions
  • Duties of Linux System Administrator

Command Line:
  • Working with the Bash Shell
  • Getting the Best of Bash
  • Useful Bash Key Sequences
  • Working with Bash History
  • Performing Basic File System Management Tasks
  • Working with Directories
  • Piping and Redirection
  • Finding Files

System Administration Tasks:
  • Performing Job Management Tasks
  • System and Process Monitoring and Management
  • Managing Processes with ps
  • Sending Signals to Processes with the kill Command
  • Using top to Show Current System Activity
  • Managing Process Niceness
  • Scheduling Jobs
  • Mounting Devices
  • Working with Links
  • Creating Backups
  • Managing Printers
  • Setting Up System Logging
  • Setting Up Rsyslog
  • Common Log Files
  • Setting Up Logrotate

Managing Software:
  • Understanding RPM
  • Understanding Meta Package Handlers
  • Creating Your Own Repositories
  • Managing Repositories
  • Installing Software with Yum
  • Querying Software
  • Extracting Files from RPM Packages

Unit – II
Configuring And Managing Storage:
  • Understanding Partitions and Logical Volumes
  • Creating Partitions
  • Creating File Systems
  • File Systems Overview
  • Creating File Systems
  • Changing File System Properties
  • Checking the File System Integrity
  • Mounting File Systems Automatically Through fstab
  • Working with Logical Volumes
  • Creating Logical Volumes
  • Resizing Logical Volumes
  • Working with Snapshots
  • Replacing Failing Storage Devices
  • Creating Swap Space
  • Working with Encrypted Volumes

Connecting To The Network:
  • Understanding NetworkManager
  • Working with Services and Runlevels
  • Configuring the Network with NetworkManager
  • Working with system-config-network
  • NetworkManager Configuration Files
  • Network Service Scripts
  • Networking from the Command Line
  • Troubleshooting Networking
  • Setting Up IPv6
  • Configuring SSH
  • Enabling the SSH Server
  • Using the SSH Client
  • Using PuTTY on Windows Machines
  • Configuring Key-Based SSH Authentication
  • Using Graphical Applications with SSH
  • Using SSH Port Forwarding
  • Configuring VNC Server Access Working with Users

Groups and Permissions:
  • Managing Users and Groups
  • Commands for User Management
  • Managing Passwords
  • Modifying and Deleting User Accounts
  • Configuration Files
  • Creating Groups
  • Using Graphical Tools for User And Group Management
  • Using External Authentication Sources
  • The Authentication Process
  • sssd
  • nsswitch
  • Pluggable Authentication Modules
  • Managing Permissions
  • The Role of Ownership

Basic Permissions:
  • Read, Write and Execute
  • Advanced Permissions
  • Working with Access Control Lists
  • Setting Default Permissions with umask
  • Working with Attributes

Unit – III
Securing Server With iptables:
  • Understanding Firewalls
  • Setting Up A Firewall With system-config-firewall
  • Allowing Services
  • Trusted Interfaces
  • Masquerading
  • Configuration Files
  • Setting Up A Firewall With iptables
  • Tables
  • Chains And Rules
  • Composition Of Rule
  • Configuration Example
  • Advanced iptables Configuration
  • Configuring Logging
  • The Limit Module
  • Configuring NAT

Setting Up Cryptographic Services:
  • Introducing SSL Proof of Authenticity
  • The Certificate Authority
  • Managing Certificates with openssl
  • Creating a Signing Request
  • Working with GNU Privacy Guard
  • Creating GPG Keys
  • Key Transfer
  • Managing GPG Keys
  • Encrypting Files with GPG
  • GPG Signing
  • Signing RPM Files

Configuring Server for File Sharing:
  • What is NFS?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of NFS
  • Configuring NFS4
  • Setting Up NFSv4
  • Mounting an NFS Share
  • Making NFS Mounts Persistent
  • Configuring Automount
  • Configuring Samba
  • Setting Up a Samba File Server
  • Samba Advanced Authentication Options
  • Accessing Samba Shares
  • Offering FTP Services

Unit – IV
Configuring DNS and DHCP:
  • Introduction to DNS
  • The DNS Hierarchy
  • DNS Server Types
  • The DNS Lookup Process
  • DNS Zone Types
  • Setting Up a DNS Server
  • Setting Up a Cache-Only Name Server
  • Setting Up a Primary Name Server
  • Setting Up a Secondary Name Server
  • Understanding DHCP
  • Setting Up a DHCP Server

Setting Up a Mail Server:
  • Using The Message Transfer Agent
  • The Mail Delivery Agent
  • The Mail User Agent
  • Setting Up Postfix As An SMTP Server
  • Working With Mutt
  • Basic Configuration
  • Internet Configuration
  • Configuring Dovecot For POP And IMAP

Configuring Apache On Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
  • Configuring The Apache Web Server
  • Creating A Basic Website
  • Understanding The Apache Configuration Files
  • Apache Log Files
  • Working With Virtual Hosts
  • Securing The Web Server With TLS Certificates
  • Configuring Authentication
  • Setting Up Authentication With .htpasswd
  • Configuring LDAP Authentication
  • Setting Up MySQL

Unit – V
Introducing Bash Shell Scripting:
  • Introduction
  • Elements Of A Good Shell Script
  • Executing The Script
  • Working With Variables And Input
  • Understanding Variables
  • Variables
  • Subshells And Sourcing
  • Working With Script Arguments
  • Asking For Input
  • Using Command Substitution
  • Substitution Operators
  • Changing Variable Content With Pattern Matching
  • Performing Calculations
  • Using Control Structures
  • Using if...then...else
  • Using case
  • Using while
  • Using until
  • Using for
  • Configuring Booting With GRUB

High-Availability Clustering:
  • High-Availability Clustering
  • The Workings Of High Availability
  • High-Availability Requirements
  • Red Hat High-Availability Add-on Software
  • Components
  • Configuring Cluster-Based Services
  • Setting Up Bonding
  • Setting Up Shared Storage
  • Installing The Red Hat High Availability Add-On
  • Building The Initial State Of The Cluster
  • Configuring Additional Cluster Properties
  • Configuring A Quorum Disk
  • Setting Up Fencing
  • Creating Resources And Services
  • Troubleshooting A Nonoperational Cluster
  • Configuring GFS2 File Systems

Setting Up An Installation Server:
  • Configuring A Network Server As An Installation Server
  • Setting Up A TFTP And DHCP Server For PXE Boot
  • Installing The TFTP Server
  • Configuring DHCP For PXE Boot
  • Creating The TFTP PXE Server Content
  • Creating A Kickstart File
  • Using A Kickstart File To Perform An Automated
  • Installation
  • Modifying The Kickstart File With
  • system-config-kickstart
  • Making Manual Modifications To The Kickstart File