Enterprise Java (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]

Enterprise Java (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]
Enterprise Java (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]


Course: Advanced Web Programming

Unit – I
Understanding Java EE:
  • What Is An Enterprise Application?
  • What Is Java Enterprise Edition?
  • Java EE Technologies
  • Java EE Evolution
  • Glassfish Server

Java EE Architecture, Server And Containers:
  • Types Of System Architecture
  • Java EE Server
  • Java EE Containers

Introduction To Java Servlets:
  • The Need For Dynamic Content
  • Java Servlet Technology
  • Why Servlets?
  • What Can Servlets Do?

Servlet API And Lifecycle:
  • Java Servlet API
  • The Servlet Skeleton
  • The Servlet Life Cycle
  • A Simple Welcome Servlet

Working With Servlets:
  • Getting Started
  • Using Annotations Instead Of Deployment Descriptor

Working With Databases:
  • What Is JDBC?
  • JDBC Architecture
  • Accessing Database
  • The Servlet GUI and Database Example

Unit – II
Request Dispatcher:
  • Resquestdispatcher Interface
  • Methods of Requestdispatcher
  • Requestdispatcher Application

  • Kinds Of Cookies
  • Where Cookies Are Used?
  • Creating Cookies Using Servlet
  • Dynamically Changing The Colors Of A Page

  • What Are Sessions?
  • Lifecycle Of Http Session
  • Session Tracking With Servlet API
  • A Servlet Session Example

Working With Files:
  • Uploading Files
  • Creating an Upload File Application
  • Downloading Files
  • Creating a Download File Application

Working With Non-Blocking I/O:
  • Creating a Non-Blocking Read Application
  • Creating The Web Application
  • Creating Java Class
  • Creating Servlets
  • Retrieving The File
  • Creating index.jsp

Unit – III
Introduction To Java Server Pages:
  • Why use Java Server Pages?
  • Disadvantages Of JSP
  • JSP v\s Servlets
  • Life Cycle of a JSP Page
  • How does a JSP function?
  • How does JSP execute?

About Java Server Pages Getting Started With Java Server Pages:
  • Comments
  • JSP Document
  • JSP Elements
  • JSP GUI Example

Action Elements:
  • Including other Files
  • Forwarding JSP Page to Another Page
  • Passing Parameters for other Actions
  • Loading a Javabean

Implicit Objects Scope And El Expressions:
  • Implicit Objects
  • Character Quoting Conventions
  • Unified Expression Language [Unified El]
  • Expression Language

Java Server Pages Standard Tag Libraries:
  • What is wrong in using JSP Scriptlet Tags?
  • How JSTL Fixes JSP Scriptlet's Shortcomings?
  • Disadvantages Of JSTL
  • Tag Libraries

Unit – IV
Introduction To Enterprise Javabeans:
  • Enterprise Bean Architecture
  • Benefits of Enterprise Bean
  • Types of Enterprise Bean
  • Accessing Enterprise Beans
  • Enterprise Bean Application
  • Packaging Enterprise Beans

Getting started with Enterprise Javabeans:
  • Creating a Web Application
  • Creating an Enterprise Bean
  • Creating a Web Client [Servlet]
  • Creating a JSP File
  • Build the Web Application
  • Running the Web Application

Working With Session Beans:
  • When to use Session Beans?
  • Types of Session Beans
  • Remote and Local Interfaces
  • Accessing Interfaces
  • Lifecycle of Enterprise Beans
  • Packaging Enterprise Beans
  • Example of Stateful Session Bean
  • Example of Stateless Session Bean
  • Example of Singleton Session Beans

Working with Message Driven Beans:
  • Lifecycle of a Message Driven Bean
  • Uses of Message Driven Beans
  • The Message Driven Beans Example

  • Request And Interceptor
  • Defining An Interceptor
  • AroundInvoke Method
  • Applying Interceptor
  • Adding An Interceptor To An Enterprise Bean
  • Build and Run the Web Application

Unit – V
Persistence, Object/Relational Mapping And JPA:
  • What is Persistence?
  • Persistence in Java
  • Current Persistence Standards in Java
  • Why another Persistence Standards?
  • Object/Relational Mapping

Introduction to Java Persistence API:
  • The Java Persistence API
  • JPA
  • ORM
  • Database and the Application
  • Architecture of JPA
  • How JPA Works?
  • JPA Specifications

Writing JPA Application:
  • Application Requirement Specifications
  • Software Requirements
  • The Application Development Approach
  • Creating Database And Tables in Mysql
  • Creating a Web Application
  • Adding the Required Library Files
  • Creating a Javabean Class
  • Creating Persistence Unit [Persistence.Xml]
  • Creating JSPS
  • The JPA Application Structure
  • Running The JPA Application

Introduction to Hibernate:
  • What is Hibernate?
  • Why Hibernate?
  • Hibernate, Database and The Application
  • Components of Hibernate
  • Architecture of Hibernate
  • How Hibernate Works?

Writing Hibernate Application:
  • Application Requirement Specifications
  • Software Requirements
  • The Application Development Approach
  • Creating Database and Tables in Mysql
  • Creating a Web Application
  • Adding The Required Library Files
  • Creating a Javabean Class
  • Creating Hibernate Configuration File
  • Adding a Mapping Class
  • Creating JSPS
  • Running The Hibernate Application