Next Generation Technologies (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]

Next Generation Technologies (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]
Next Generation Technologies (Elective - II) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]


Course: Next Generation Technologies

Unit – I
Big Data:
  • Getting Started
  • Big Data
  • Facts About Big Data
  • Big Data Sources
  • Three Vs Of Big Data
  • Volume
  • Variety
  • Velocity
  • Usage Of Big Data
  • Visibility
  • Discover And Analyze Information
  • Segmentation And Customizations
  • Aiding Decision Making
  • Innovation
  • Big Data Challenges
  • Policies And Procedures
  • Access To Data
  • Technology And Techniques
  • Legacy Systems And Big Data
  • Structure Of Big Data
  • Data Storage
  • Data Processing
  • Big Data Technologies

  • SQL
  • NoSQL
  • Definition
  • A Brief History Of NoSQL
  • CAP Theorem (Brewer's Theorem)
  • The BASE
  • NoSQL Advantages And Disadvantages
  • Advantages Of NoSQL
  • Disadvantages Of NoSQL
  • SQL Vs. NoSQL Databases
  • Categories Of NoSQL Databases

Introducing MongoDB:
  • History
  • MongoDB Design Philosophy
  • Speed
  • Scalability And Agility
  • Non-Relational Approach
  • JSON-Based Document Store
  • Performance Vs. Features
  • Running The Database Anywhere
  • SQL Comparison

Unit – II
The MongoDB Data Model:
  • The Data Model
  • The Identifier (_id)
  • Capped Collection
  • Polymorphic Schemas
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Schema Evolution

Using MongoDB Shell:
  • Basic Querying
  • Create And Insert
  • Explicitly Creating Collections
  • Inserting Documents Using Loop
  • Inserting By Explicitly Specifying _id
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Read
  • Using Indexes
  • Stepping Beyond the Basics
  • Using Conditional Operators
  • Regular Expressions
  • MapReduce
  • Aggregate()
  • Designing An Application's Data Model
  • Relational Data Modeling And Normalization
  • MongoDB Document Data Model Approach

MongoDB Architecture:
  • Core Processes
  • Mongod
  • Mongo
  • Mongos
  • MongoDB Tools
  • Standalone Deployment
  • Replication
  • Master/Slave Replication
  • Replica Set
  • Implementing Advanced Clustering With Replica Sets
  • Sharding
  • Sharding Components
  • Data Distribution Process
  • Data Balancing Process
  • Operations
  • Implementing Sharding
  • Controlling Collection Distribution (Tag-Based Sharding)
  • Points To Remember When Importing Data In A ShardedEnvironment
  • Monitoring For Sharding
  • Monitoring The Config Servers
  • Production Cluster Architecture
  • Scenario 1
  • Scenario 2
  • Scenario 3
  • Scenario 4

Unit – III
MongoDB Storage Engine:
  • Data Storage Engine
  • Data File (Relevant for MMAPv1)
  • Namespace (.ns File)
  • Data File (Relevant For WiredTiger)
  • Reads And Writes
  • How Data Is Written Using Journaling
  • GridFS – The MongoDB File System
  • The Rationale Of GridFS
  • GridFSunder The Hood
  • Using GridFS
  • Indexing
  • Types Of Indexes
  • Behaviors And Limitations

MongoDB Use Cases:
  • Use Case 1 – Performance Monitoring
  • Schema Design
  • Operations
  • Sharding
  • Managing The Data
  • Use Case 2 – Social Networking
  • Schema Design
  • Operations
  • Sharding

MongoDB Limitations:
  • MongoDB Space Is Too Large (Applicable For MMAPv1)
  • Memory Issues (Applicable For Storage Engine MMAPv1)
  • 32-Bit Vs. 64-bit
  • BSON Documents
  • Namespaces Limits
  • Indexes Limit
  • Capped Collections Limit – Maximum Number Of Documents In A Capped Collection
  • Sharding Limitations
  • Shard Early to Avoid Any Issues
  • Shard Key Can't Be Updated
  • Shard Collection Limit
  • Select the Correct Shard Key
  • Security Limitations
  • No Authentication by Default
  • Traffic To And From MongoDB Isn't Encrypted
  • Write And Read Limitations
  • Case-Sensitive Queries
  • Type-Sensitive Fields
  • No JOIN
  • Transactions
  • MongoDB Not Applicable Range

MongoDB Best Practices:
  • Deployment
  • Hardware Suggestions From The MongoDB Site
  • Few Points To Be Noted
  • Coding
  • Application Response Time Optimization
  • Data Safety
  • Administration
  • Replication Lag
  • Sharding
  • Monitoring

Unit – IV
The End of Disk? SSD And In-Memory Databases:
  • The End of Disk?
  • Solid State Disk
  • The Economics of Disk
  • SSD-Enabled Databases
  • In-Memory Databases
  • TimesTen
  • Redis
  • VoltDB
  • Oracle 12c "in-Memory Database
  • Berkeley Analytics Data Stack And Spark
  • Spark Architecture

  • Introduction
  • Traversing The DOM
  • DOM Manipulation With jQuery
  • Events
  • Ajax With jQuery
  • jQuery Plug-ins
  • jQuery Image Slider

Unit – V
  • Introduction
  • JSON Grammar
  • JSON Values
  • JSON Tokens
  • Syntax
  • JSON vs XML
  • Data Types
  • Objects
  • Arrays
  • Creating JSON
  • JSON Object
  • Parsing JSON
  • Persisting JSON
  • Data Interchange