Advanced Web Programming (Elective – I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]

Advanced Web Programming (Elective - I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]
Advanced Web Programming (Elective - I) (Syllabus) [2018-2019]


Course: Advanced Web Programming

Unit – I
Introducing .NET:
  • The .NET Framework
  • C#
  • VB And The .NET Languages
  • The Common Language Runtime
  • The .NET Class Library

The C# Language:
  • C# Language Basics
  • Variables And Data Types
  • Variable Operations
  • Object-Based Manipulation
  • Conditional Logic
  • Loops
  • Methods

Types, Objects And Namespaces:
  • The Basics About Classes
  • Building A Basic Class
  • Value Types And Reference Types
  • Understanding Namespaces And Assemblies
  • Advanced Class Programming

Unit – II
Web Form Fundamentals:
  • Writing Code
  • Using The Code-Behind Class
  • Adding Event Handlers
  • Understanding The Anatomy Of An ASP.NET Application
  • Introducing Server Controls
  • Using The Page Class
  • Using Application Events
  • Configuring An ASP.NET Application

Form Controls:
  • Stepping Up To Web Controls
  • Web Control Classes
  • List Controls
  • Table Controls
  • Web Control Events And AutoPostBack
  • Validation
  • Understanding Validation
  • Using The Validation Controls
  • Rich Controls
  • The Calendar
  • The AdRotator
  • Pages With Multiple Views
  • User Controls And Graphics
  • User Controls
  • Dynamic Graphics
  • The Chart Control

Website Navigation:
  • Site Maps
  • URL Mapping And Routing
  • The SiteMapPath Control
  • The TreeView Control
  • The Menu Control

Unit – III
Error Handling, Logging And Tracing:
  • Avoiding Common Errors
  • Understanding Exception Handling
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Throwing Your Own Exceptions
  • Using Page Tracing

State Management:
  • Understanding The Problem Of State
  • Using View State
  • Transferring Information Between Pages
  • Using Cookies
  • Managing Session State
  • Configuring Session State
  • Using Application State
  • Comparing State Management Options Styles

Themes and Master Pages:
  • Styles
  • Themes
  • Master Page Basics
  • Advanced Master Pages

Unit – IV
ADO.NET Fundamentals:
  • Understanding Databases
  • Configuring Your Database
  • Understanding SQL Basics
  • Understanding The Data Provider Model
  • Using Direct Data Access
  • Using Disconnected Data Access

Data Binding:
  • Introducing Data Binding
  • Using Single-Value Data Binding
  • Using Repeated-Value Data Binding
  • Working with Data Source Controls

The Data Controls:
  • The GridView
  • Formatting The GridView
  • Selecting A GridView Row
  • Editing With The GridView
  • Sorting And Paging The GridView
  • Using GridView Templates
  • The DetailsView And FormView

Unit – V
  • XML Explained
  • The XML Classes
  • XML Validation
  • XML Display And Transforms

Security Fundamentals:
  • Understanding Security Requirements
  • Authentication And Authorization
  • Forms Authentication
  • Windows Authentication

  • Understanding Ajax
  • Using Partial Refreshes
  • Using Progress Notification
  • Implementing Timed Refreshes
  • Working With The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit