Professional Communication Skills (April – 2014) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – I
[Professional Communication Skills]
Question Paper (April – 2014) [Revised Course]

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:   (1) All Questions from 1 to 7 are Compulsory.
           (2) Figure To right indicate the marks.

Q.1 Attempt Both The Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Fill in the Blanks:
      (i) Maps, charts and graphs methods of _______ Non-Verbal Communication. 
      (ii) Space, distance ad time are _______ barriers to communication.
      (iii) Terms of reference, collecting information are stages involved while writing a __________.
      (iv) The Roman Numerical for the Arabic Number 50 is _______.
      (v) The full form of asap is ________________.

(B) Say whether the following statements are True or False:
      (i) A Brochure is a type of leaflet.
      (ii) One should avoid the use of jargon while writing letters.
      (iii) A job application letter is written to apply for a specific position.
      (iv) Signature is not an important part of a letter.
      (v) Seven Cs of communication are called so because the name of each of these qualities begins with the letter ‘C’.

Q.2 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Discuss and illustrate the various ways in which a letter should be correct. 
(B) Define courtesy on any discuss how a letter can be made courteous.
(C) Write notes on any three Cs of communication: (15 Marks)
      (i) Completeness
      (ii) Conciseness
      (iii) Concreteness
      (iv) Consideration
      (v) Clarity

Q.3 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Define a ‘barrier to communication’. Discuss ‘socio –psychological barriers’ to communication. Also give suggestions to overcome these barriers.
(B) Write notes on any three of the following:
      (i) Posture and gesture as methods of Non-Verbal Communication.
      (ii) Listening Barriers.
      (iii) Encoding and Decoding as elements in the Cycle of Communication.
      (iv) Feedback and its Importance.
      (v) Silence as an important method of communication.

Q.4 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Discuss the various tips required to be considered while drafting a Brochure.
(B) “Wanted an experienced assistant sales manager for an Electronics Showroom. Candidate must be a first class IT graduate with knowledge of computer hardware and preferably 2-3 years’ experience. Apply with bio data to Box K, The Times of India, Mumbai 400 001.”

Q.5 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) The students of your college have complained about the condition of your canteen. A committee of four students has been formed to look into the complaints of the students and also give suggestions to improve. On behalf of the committee, draft this report.
(B) Write notes on Any Three of the following: (15 Marks)
      (i) Different types of Reports
      (ii) Elements of formal Instructions
      (iii) Writing a summary
      (iv) Definitions and their importance
      (v) Importance of an abstract in a Report.

Q.6 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain in detail ‘Types of Reading’
(B) Write notes on Any Three of the following: (15 Marks)
      (i) Importance of Note Making
      (ii) Disadvantages of Oral Communication
      (iii) Importance of Body Language in Oral Presentation
      (iv) Barriers to Effective Listening
      (v) Telephone Manners

Q.7 Attempt The Following Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Write notes on Any Three of the following:
      (i) Hyphenation
      (ii) Importance of checking spelling during proof reading
      (iii) Revision and its importance
      (iv) Importance of tone in your writing
      (v) Editing
(B) Proof read and correct the following paragraph:

(i) Every well written Paragraph must have a main sentence. This sentence is the main idea of that paragraph which specifies the focus of the Paragraph. The remaining sentences in that paragraph are organised around it. They contain supporting details. The main sentence can be located at the beginning of the paragraph or at the end. The order sentence must be organised so as to develop the idea in a logical and convincing manner. There are many ways of organising ideas – one way could be that the writer makes a statement and gives examples in the next sentence to make clear his ideas to the reader. He can describe events which happen in a sequence. This method is useful or writing reports. However, one sentence should lead to the next – information should not be out of place otherwise the piece of writing will lose its unity. (8 Marks)
(ii) Do as Directed: (7 Marks)
(i) Give Singular Forms of: (2 Marks)
     heroes, radios, knives, stories
(ii) Give Plural Forms of: (2 Marks)
      notebook, box, wolf, body.
(iii) Give the full form of: (3 Marks)
       encl., c.o.d., c.c, USA, Dr., ext.

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