Professional Communication Skills (April – 2015) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – I
[Professional Communication Skills]
Question Paper (April – 2015) [Revised Course]

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:  (1) Questions NO. 1 is Compulsory.
           (2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
           (3) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Attempt the following Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Fill in the Blanks in the following statements:
      (i) ___________ Communication is a personal communication transmitted between the individuals consists of personal interpretation, opinion or gossip.
      (ii) __________ is a powerful force or an inner drive that energises an individual to make a focused effort to achieve her/his goal.
      (iii) _____________ Barriers can be caused by environment factors like noise, time and distance.
      (iv) After the meaning of the message the receiver provides _____ to the message.
      (v) ________ Terms are the foundation of technical writing.
(B) State whether the following statements are True or False:
      (i) Formal communication channels are based on Social Relationship in which employees talk about work during social gathering.
      (ii) Decoding relates to the receiver of a message.
      (iii) Statements of purpose is a self-introductory essay in which an applicant introduces himself/herself.
      (iv) Salutations is the mode of addressing or greeting the sender.
      (v) An executive summary is a modified summary located in the beginning of a report or document.

Q.2 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Write a comprehensive account on written and Oral Communication.
(B) Explain the word ‘Kinesics or Body Language’ and write a note on the four major types of body language.

Q.3 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) What are the salient features of business letters? In what respect does the business letters different from the other type of letters?
(B) Imagine that you have just passed you B.Sc examination. Draft a letter along with brief bio data to Mr. RD Kshirsagar, Manager, New Maharashtra Software Pvt. Ltd. Showing your willingness for their training positions.

Q.3 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Imagine that you are working as secretary to your company. Draft a notice to the scheduled annual general body meeting of the board of directors and model minutes for the same.
(B) The cases of Malaria have risen abruptly in your area. The Unhygienic conditions and the open water storage by some of the residents have added to the woes. Draft a memorandum to be presented to the health officer of your area to take immediate measures to prevent the spread of it and to take punitive against the residents responsible for it.

Q.4 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Imagine that you are working as Welfare Officer and you have been asked by the human resource manager to investigate the causes of frequent clashes among the group of employees. This has caused damage to the reputation of company. Submit your report with recommendations to improve the situation.
(B) Explain the word Motivation? Discuss the various ways of motivation.

Q.5 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Your friend has met with an accident recently. You could not find a time to meet him personally. Draft a goodwill letter convincing your compulsion and conveying your regards for him to recover soon and assuring him all the support he may need in future.
(B) What are the general and specific objectives of oral communication in business?

Q.6 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Draft a sales letter to promote Any One of the following products:
      (i) Brand New Sun Glasses
      (ii) New Phablet
      (iii) Ultra Tech Washing Machine
(B) Draft a skilled persuasive appealing speech on Any One of the following events in about 300 words:
      (i) Heath is Wealth
      (ii) Cleanliness Drive
      (iii) Scope in IT Industry

Q.7 Attempt the following Question: (15 Marks)
(A) Read the following paragraph and edit it to make it meaningful:
Do you think that plants could help scientists learn about people Although it may seem odd, gregor mendel found that he could learn a lot about people by studying plants. Actually, plants helped Mendel learn about heredity heredity (3) is the way traits pass from parents to children In humans eye colour and height are all traits. They are past on though heredity. Gregor Mendel was born into a farming family in 1823 he was a gifted students his family could not afford to pay for university studies. Instead Mendel became a monk at the time this was a good way for Mendel to keep study learning. He also began to teach science to high school students. Mendel love nature. He love to walk in the garden among the plants. On one of these walks mendel was one unusual plant he decide to study it.
(B) What are the strategies of effective reading? Explain each one in brief.

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