Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach BY Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach BY Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach BY Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig

Books Details:
Book Title: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Author's: Stuart Russel | Peter Norvig
Publisher: Pearson
Edition: 3rd
Year: 2015
Paperback: 1164 Pages
Download: @PDF | @Torrent | @G-Drive
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About Books:
This edition captures the changes that have taken place in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) since the last edition in 2003. There have been important applications of AI technology, such as the widespread deployment of practical speech recognition, machine translation, autonomous vehicles and household robotics. There have been algorithmic landmarks, such as the solution of the game of checkers. There has also been a great deal of theoretical progress, particularly in areas such as probabilistic reasoning, machine learning and computer vision.

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