Advanced Java Programming BY Uttam Kumar Roy

Advanced Java Programming BY Uttam Kumar Roy
Advanced Java Programming BY Uttam Kumar Roy

Books Details:
Book Title: Advanced Java Programming
Author's: Uttam Kumar Roy
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Edition: 1st
Year: 21/April/2015
Paperback: 880 Pages
Download: @PDF | @GitHub
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About Books:
Advanced Java Programming is a textbook specially designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Computer Applications (BE/BTech/BCA/ME/M.Tech/MCA). 

Divided into three parts, the book provides an exhaustive coverage of topics taught in advanced Java and other related subjects. It first introduces important language features such as Reflection, JNI, template, AWT and swing, Security etc. The second part primarily focuses on core network programming concepts such as sockets, RMI, Mail, XML-RPC etc. The state-of-the-art concepts such as SOAP, Applet, Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Hibernate, JMS, J2EE, JNDI, CORBA, JSF etc. have been discussed in the last part. 

The content is enhanced with numerous illustrations, examples, program codes, and screenshots. With its lucid presentation and inclusion of numerous real-world examples and codes, the book will be equally useful for Java professionals.

About Artist:
Uttam K. Roy is working as a faculty in the Department of Information Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He completed his PhD in engineering from the same university and has nearly 11 years of teaching experience. He has contributed numerous research papers to various international journals. His research interests include Bio-informatics, Voice processing, Optimization, Quantum Computing.