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B.Sc.IT: Semester – V
[Visual Basic – 6]
Question Paper (April – 2014) [Old Syllabus]
Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
N.B.: (1) Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from Q.2 – Q.7.
(3) Make suitable assumption whenever necessary and state the assumption made.
(4) Answers to the same questions must be written together.
(5) Numbers to the right indicate marks.
(6) Draw a neat labelled diagram and give example whenever necessary.
Q.1 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain different types of arrays in Visual Basic with one examples each.
(B) Explain the purpose of ListIndex property and ListCourt Property.
(C) What is Constant? Explain Named Constant and Intrinsic Constants.
(D) What is OOP? Explain Object, Event and properties with example.
Q.2 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain For/Each Loop with example.
(B) Explain the following controls: –
(i) CheckBox
(ii) CommandButton
(C) Create an application having 3 horizontal scrollbars – Red, Green and Blue. The maximum value of any scrollbar should be 255. The application should also contain a picture box, whenever the value of any scrollbar is changed, the color corresponding to the combination of three values of 3 scrollbars should be applied to the Picture box’s Background.
Q.3 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Give an example of three Message Box Constants.
(B) Explain Open and Font Dialog Boxes.
(C) Implement the following functionalities for a ListBox Control.
Adding item, Removing selected item, Count selected items and Clear the list of items and finally close the application. Use TextBox control to take item as an input and display output.
Q.4 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the difference between sub procedure and function procedure.
(B) Explain Left(), Right() and Mid() functions with a string.
(C) Create a Visual Basic Project, which allows user to change the font name, size, color and properties like BOLD, Italic of the text available in a textbox. Use Common Dialog Box Control.
Q.5 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) What is Flow Control? Explain Select . . . Case statement with suitable.
(B) What are the differences between Random File and Sequential File?
(C) List create an application having two combo boxes for different countries and their currencies. Display “Right selection . . .!” message if selected combination is correct otherwise display “Wrong combination . . .! Try again”. Use command button to display message.
Q.6 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) List and explain the various types of datatypes supported by Visual Basic.
(B) What is Recordset? Write the code to check for empty Recordset. Display a message box if the recordset is empty.
(C) Write the output for the following code:
(i) Format(123456.57, “0”)
(ii) Format(123456.57, “0.0”)
(iii) Format(123456.576, “0.00”)
(iv) Format(123456.576, “00.00”)
(v) Format(123456.576, “#,##0.00”)
(vi) Format(123456.576, “$#,##0.00”)
(vii) Format(0.567, “0%”)
(viii) Format(0.5988, “0.00%”)
Q.7 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Write short notes on: –
(i) AbsolutePosition Property
(ii) Bookmark Property
(B) Explain the following methods and properties of ListBox Control:
(i) AddItem()
(ii) Clear()
(iii) RemoveItem()
(C) Write a Visual Basic Application to compute examination grades based on the percentage of marks of three subjects. Read marks of 3 subjects using three text boxes and show grade when user clicks a command button. Use following criteria to calculate grade:
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