SQL – 2 (April – 2014) [IDOL - Old Course | Question Paper]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – V
[SQL – 2]
Question Paper (April – 2014) [Old Syllabus]

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:   (1) Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
            (2) Attempt any four questions from Q.2 – Q.7.
            (3) Make suitable assumption whenever necessary and state the assumption made.
            (4) Answers to the same questions must be written together.

Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What are the different roles that SQL plays?
(B) Explain the Multi-Tier Architecture with the help of an example.
(C) What is differed Constrain Checking? Explain its type.
(D) Write a DDL Statement to perform the following:
  1. Add a constraint chk_price to blocks table to ensure that if price> 660, then grade = 'A', if price is between 400 and 600, then grade = 'B' else grade = 'C'.
  2. Create an index on column st_name of students table.

Q.2 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What is a transaction? Explain ANSI/ISO Transaction Model.
(B) Explain the Cast & Case Expressions.
(C) Write the following SQL stmts: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. Find the name of student who has paid Highest Fine.
  2. List the category &B count in each category for following categories 'Systems', 'Mgmt', 'Insurance'.
  3. Decrease all Mgmt category book prices by 10%.
  4. Display all the titles of blocks issued to TYIT Class, which are under RS. 550.

Q.3 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Describe the sequence of steps in which  SQL stmt is evaluated.
(B) State &explain the various data types available in SQL-2.
(C) Write the following SQL statements: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. List the titles of books issued in descending order of price & ascending order of author.
  2. Create view to display students' name, book title, issue data & return date.
  3. Get all the titles of books for author 'J.K. Rowling' for which status='issued'.
  4. Delete the rows from book issue table for all the books returned 1 month before today.

Q.4 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What are Parallel Subquires? Explain with the help of an example.
(B) What is a Referential Cycle? What are the problems with it, how to overcome it?
(C) Write the following SQL Statements: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. List all the authors, whose books have been issued by students.
  2. List the student name & title of the book, for the books which are not yet returned.
  3. Delete all the books which are never issued at all.
  4. Change the grade to 'C', for all blocks had grade 'B' and are in fiction category or have status 'issued'.

Q.5 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the different search conditions in the where clause.
(B) What is a Domain? How is it created? What are the advantages?
(C) Write the following SQL Statements: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. List the names of students who have issued more than 2 books.
  2. Remove the permission form user SYIT to see or add data into students table.
  3. List the total number of books issued per class.
  4. List the books' title, author, status for which return date is 7 days from today.

Q.6 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the aggregate functions in SQL.
(B) Explain the concept of NULL values. How can we insert NULL values in the table?
(C) Write the following SQL Statements: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. List all the books whose price is < average price of management category books.
  2. List the class & total fine_paid by each class, for those classes which have 60 or more students.
  3. After table students to add column, phone_number.
  4. Give TYIT user permission to select data from all the tables.

Q.7 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Write a short note on:
       (i) Network Model
       (ii) Hierarchical Model
(B) What is Data Integrity? Explain different types of Data Integrity Constraints.
(C) Write the following SQL Statements: (Refer table structure given after Q7).
  1. Using Subquery exists clause, list all the books that are issued by TYIT Class.
  2. Create a view that displays author, category & no. of books written by that author in each category.
  3. Remove the delete & update permission on books table from all users.
  4. List the book title & number of times the book has been issued, for each book.

If You're a B.Sc.IT Student of Mumbai University...and you've a previous year question papers then please mail us @ kamalbscit@yahoo.in