Professional Communication Skills (January – 2017) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – I
[Professional Communication Skills]
Question Paper (January – 2017) [Revised Course]

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:  (1) Questions NO. 1 is Compulsory.
           (2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
           (3) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Attempt Both The Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Say whether the following statements are True or False:
      (i) Noise can cause hindrance or problem in transmission or reception of a message.
      (ii) Choice of words makes your communication effective.
      (iii) One important purpose of visual aids is to make the description more clear and vivid.
      (iv) PTO is the abbreviation used for-Please turnover.
      (v) Tables, graphs, figure are types of visual aids.
(B) Fill In The Blanks:
      (i) The Roman numeral for 10 is ___________.
      (ii) Encoding and _________ are important parts of the process of communication.
      (iii) One psychological barrier to communication is ___________.
      (iv) Date and signature are _____________ parts of a letter.
      (v) ___________ is natural but listening requires skill.

Q.2 Attempt Any One From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is the importance of Non-Verbal Communication in our life? Explain in detail any three aspects of body language.
(B) Write notes on any Three of the following: –
      (i) Clarity in Communication.
      (ii) Importance of pronunciation in Oral Communication.
      (iii) The process of Communication.
      (iv) Correctness in communication.
      (v) Sings and Signals as methods of communication.

Q.3 Attempt Any One From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Define ‘a barrier’ to communication. Explain in detail any two groups of Barrier – also give suggestions to overcome these barrier.
(B) Write notes on any Three of the following: –
      (i) Effect of emotions on Communication.
      (ii) Telephone as a method of Communication.
      (iii) Importance of listening.
      (iv) Positive Attitude.
      (v) Importance of ‘voice’ in Oral Communication.

Q.4 Attempt Any One From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) “Wanted an experienced computer programmer for a reputed Multinational company in Mumbai. The candidate should be graduate with atleast two years of experience in programming. Apply with your detailed bio data to: The Advertiser, Post Box No. P-28, The Times of India, Mumbai 400 001”.
(B) Write notes on any Three of the following: –
      (i) Uses of brochures
      (ii) Elements of a resume
      (iii) Preparations to be made by a candidate before appearing for an interview
      (iv) Reasons why e-mail are so popular
      (v) Explain the terms: NOTICE, AGENDA AND MINUTES.

Q.5 Attempt Any One From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) The last two quarters have shown decline in the sales of jams and sauces produced by your company. The management appoints a Committee to investigate into the causes of decline of sales. Imagine you are the chairman of this committee – draft this report also giving suggestions what can be done to improve sales.
(B) Write notes on any Three of the following: –
      (i) Features of Instructions Manual
      (ii) Methods of Data Collection
      (iii) Importance of Definitions
      (iv) Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids
      (v) An Abstract

Q.6 Attempt Any One From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Write a letter of sales to promote Any One of the following: –
      (i) New Sun Screen Lotion
      (ii) New Cellular Phone
      (iii) Ayurvedic Shampoo
(B) Write notes on Any Three of the following: –
      (i) Importance of Reading
      (ii) Barriers to Listening
      (iii) Advantages of note making
      (iv) Disadvantages of oral Communication
      (v) Good Speaking Skills

Q.7 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Write notes on Any Three of the following: –
      (i) Sentence Linkers
      (ii) Word formation in English
      (iii) Rules of Hyphenation
      (iv) Abbreviations
      (v) Importance of Proof Reading.
(i) Proof read the following paragraph to make it into a meaningful and readable piece of literature:
To warn means to caution, to warn means to put on guard, to warn means to tell about a possible danger to the receiver. It is about the unpleasant the consequences that may follow ones action. In day-t-day life, we come across so many such warnings that caution us against and dangerous consequences If we act without paying attention to the instructions given – ‘Mind your Head’ warning on the staircase us of the consequences if we walk with our heads erect. Similary, we must pay attention to warnings like: Beware of dogs.

(ii) Do as Directed – (8 Marks)
(a) Give singular forms of: (2)
      apples, knives
(b) Give the Arabic Numerals of: (3)
      V ; L ; XX
(c) Give the full forms of: (2)
      Km; temp

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