ASP.NET Web Developer's Guide [PDF Download]

Book Title: ASP.NET Web Developer's Guide

BY: Mesbah Ahmed | Chris Garrett | Jeremy Faircloth | Chris Payne | | Wei Meng Lee | Jonothon Ortiz
Semester: Vth
Subject: ASP.NET With C#
Page: 735
File Size: 6.98 MB

Link 1: Click Here
Link 2: Click Here

Chapter 1: Introducing ASP.NET
1.01 Introduction
1.02 Learning from the History of ASP
1.03 The Origins of ASP
1.04 Why ASP Was Needed
1.05 Why ASP Was Not Originally Embraced
1.06 Developing ASP 1.x
1.07 Developing ASP 2.x
1.08 Major Changes with ASP 2
1.09 Weaknesses in the ASP 2 Model
1.10 Developing ASP 3.0
1.11 Final Changes to Original ASP Model
1.12 Weaknesses in the ASP 3 Model
1.13 The Need for a New ASP Model
1.14 The ASP Timeline
1.15 Reviewing the Basics of the ASP.NET Platform
1.16 Utilizing the Flexibility of ASP.NET
1.17 Converting Code into Multiple Languages
1.18 Comparing Improvements in ASP.NET to Previous ASP Models
1.19 How Web Servers Execute ASP Files
1.20 Client-Server Interaction
1.21 Server-Side Processing
1.22 Compiling and Delivering ASP.NET Pages
1.23 Running ASP.NET Web Pages
1.24 Obtaining and Installing .NET
1.25 Creating Your First ASP.NET Application
1.26 Upgrading from Classic ASP
1.27 Taking Security Precautions
1.28 Summary
1.29 Solutions Fast Track
1.30 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 2: ASP.NET Namespaces
2.01 Introduction
2.02 Reviewing the Function of Namespaces
2.03 Using Namespaces
2.04 Using the Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace
2.05 Understanding the Root Namespace: System
2.06 Supplied Functionality
2.07 Integral Numbers
2.08 Floating-Point Numbers
2.09 Dates
2.10 Strings
2.11 Booleans
2.12 Objects
2.13 Grouping Objects and Data Types with the System.Collections Namespace
2.14 Supplied Functionality
2.15 Enabling Client/Browser Communication with the System.Web Namespace
2.16 Supplied Functionality
2.17 System.Web.UI Namespace Set
2.18 System.Web.Services Namespace Set
2.19 Working with Data Sources Using the System.Data Namespace
2.20 Supplied Functionality
2.21 Processing XML Files Using the System.XML Namespace
2.22 Supplied Functionality
2.23 Summary
2.24 Solutions Fast Track
2.25 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 3: ASP Server Controls
3.01 Introduction
3.02 Major Features of ASP.NET Server Controls
3.03 Collecting Data Using HTML Forms
3.04 Server-Side Processing in ASP.NET
3.05 A Simple Application Using Conventional HTML Controls
3.06 A Simple Application Using ASP Server Controls
3.07 Mapping Server Controls and Preserving Their States
3.08 Including Scripts in an .aspx File
3.09 Loading a List Box via Script
3.10 Using the IsPostBack Property of a Page
3.11 AutoPostBack Attributes of Server Controls
3.12 Structure of an ASP.NET Web Form
3.13 Page Directives
3.14 The Order of Event Execution
3.15 Code-Behind versus In-Page Coding
3.16 Using Code-Behind without Compilation
3.17 Using Code Behind with Compilation
3.18 Using VS.Net for Developing a Web Application
3.19 Using HTML Server Controls
3.20 Using the HtmlAnchor Control
3.21 Using the HtmlTable Control
3.22 Using HtmlInputText and HtmlTextArea Controls
3.23 Using HtmlButton and HtmlImage Controls
3.24 Using the HtmlInputFileControl
3.25 Using the HtmlSelect Control with Data Binding to a SortedList Structure
3.26 Creating and Loading the SortedList
3.27 Using HtmlCheckBox and HtmlInputRadioButton Controls
3.28 Using ASP.NET Web Controls
3.29 Basic Web Controls
3.30 Using Labels, TextBoxes, RadioButtons, CheckBoxes, and DropDownLists
3.31 Using the ListControl Abstract Class
3.32 Using HyperLink Controls
3.33 Binding a ListControl to an ArrayList
3.34 Validation Controls
3.35 The RequiredFieldValidator Control
3.36 The RegularExpressionValidator Control
3.37 The CompareValidator Control
3.38 The RangeValidator Control
3.39 The CustomValidator Control
3.40 CustomValidator with Explicit Client-Side Validation Function
3.41 Displaying the Error Message with Style
3.42 The ValidationSummary Control
3.43 Validating Patterned Strings, Passwords, and Dates
3.44 </form></body></html> The Databound ListControls Family
3.45 Using the Repeater Server Control
3.46 Using the DataList Control
3.47 Using the DataGrid Control
3.48 Providing Paging in DataGrid
3.49 Navigating to a Selected Page
3.50 Providing Data Editing Capability in a DataGrid Control
3.51 Creating Custom ASP Server User Controls
3.52 Creating a Simple Web User Control
3.53 Exposing Properties of a User Control
3.54 Developing the Payroll User Control
3.55 Consuming the Payroll User Control
3.56 Summary
3.57 Solutions Fast Track
3.58 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 4: Configuring ASP.NET
4.01 Introduction
4.02 Overview of ASP.NET Configuration
4.03 Uses for a Configuration File
4.04 Application Configuration
4.05 Setting Static Variables Using the <appSettings> Tag
4.06 Providing Global Support Using the <globalization> Tag
4.07 Configuring Application Identity Using the <identity> Tag
4.08 Setting Page-Specific Attributes Using the <pages> Tag
4.09 Configuring the Tracing Service Using the <trace> Tag
4.10 System Configuration
4.11 Determining Client Capabilities Using the <browserCaps> Tag
4.12 Setting Compilation Options Using the <compilation> Tag
4.13 Controlling Connections Using the <connectionManagement> Tag
4.14 Defining Custom Errors Using the <customErrors> Tag
4.15 Mapping Requests Using the <httpHandlers> Tag
4.16 Configuring HTTP Modules Using the <httpModules> Tag
4.17 Setting Runtime Options Using the <httpRuntime> Tag
4.18 Setting Process Model Options Using the <processModel> Tag
4.19 Configuring the Session State Using the <sessionState> Tag
4.20 Configuring Request Modules Using the <webRequestModule> Tag
4.21 Configuring Web Services Using the <webServices> Tag
4.22 Security
4.23 Authenticating Users Using the <authentication> Tag
4.24 Configuring Security Modules Using the <authenticationModules> Tag
4.25 Controlling Access Using the <authorization> Tag
4.26 Configuring Encryption Keys Using the <machineKey> Tag
4.27 Mapping Security Policies Using the <securityPolicy> Tag
4.28 Applying Trust Levels Using the <trust> Tag
4.29 Anatomy of a Configuration File
4.30 Creating a Configuration File
4.31 Retrieving Settings
4.32 Summary
4.33 Solutions Fast Track
4.34 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 5: An ASP.NET Application
5.01 Introduction
5.02 Understanding ASP.NET Applications
5.03 Managing State
5.04 Analzying Global.asax
5.05 Understanding Application State
5.06 Using Application State
5.07 Application Cache Object
5.08 Static Variables
5.09 State Example
5.10 Using Application Events
5.11 Supported Application Events
5.12 More Events
5.13 Working with Application Events
5.14 Threading Use
5.15 Understanding Session State
5.16 Configuring Sessions
5.17 Using Session Events
5.18 Working with Session Events
5.19 Comparing Application and Session States
5.20 Static Values
5.21 Caching Data
5.22 Expiring the Cache
5.23 Summary
5.24 Solutions Fast Track
5.25 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 6: Optimizing Caching Methods
6.01 Introduction
6.02 Caching Overview
6.03 Output Caching
6.04 Using the @ OutputCache Directive
6.05 Using the HttpCachePolicy Class
6.06 Advantages of Using Output Caching
6.07 Fragment Caching
6.08 Advantages of Using Fragment Caching
6.09 Data Caching
6.10 Using the Cache Method
6.11 Using the cache.add and cache.insert Methods
6.12 Using the Dependency Option
6.13 Using the Expiration Policy Option
6.14 Using the Priority Options
6.15 Using the CacheItemRemovedCallback Delegate
6.16 </HTML>Using the Cache.Remove Method
6.17 Advantages of Using Data Caching
6.18 Best Uses for Caching
6.19 Output Caching
6.20 Fragment Caching
6.21 Data Caching
6.22 Summary
6.23 Solutions Fast Track
6.24 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 7: Introduction to ADO.NET: A Simple Address Book
7.01 Introduction
7.02 Understanding the Changes in ADO.NET
7.03 Supported Connectivity
7.04 The System.Data Namespace
7.05 The System.Data.Common Namespace
7.06 The System.Data.OleDb Namespace
7.07 The System.Data.SqlClient Namespace
7.08 The System.Data.SqlTypes Namespace
7.09 Creating Connection Strings
7.10 Where to Put the Connection String
7.11 Creating an Address Book Application
7.12 Connecting to a Database: Exercise
7.13 Browsing a Database: Exercise
7.14 Adding to a Database: Exercise
7.15 Updating Data in a Database: Exercise
7.16 Deleting from a Database: Exercise
7.17 Summary
7.18 Solutions Fast Track
7.19 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 8: Using XML in the .NET Framework
8.01 Introduction
8.02 An Overview of XML
8.03 What Does an XML Document Look Like?
8.04 Creating an XML Document
8.05 Creating an XML Document in VS.NET XML Designer
8.06 Components of an XML Document
8.07 Well-Formed XML Documents
8.08 Schema and Valid XML Documents
8.09 Structure of an XML Document
8.10 Processing XML Documents Using .NET
8.11 Reading and Writing XML Documents
8.12 Storing and Processing XML Documents
8.13 Reading and Parsing Using the XmlTextReader Class
8.14 Parsing an XML Document:
8.15 Navigating through an XML Document to Retrieve Data
8.16 Writing an XML Document Using the XmlTextWriter Class
8.17 Generating an XML Document Using XmlTextWriter
8.18 Exploring the XML Document Object Model
8.19 Navigating through an XmlDocument Object
8.20 Parsing an XML Document Using the XmlDocumentObject
8.21 Using the XmlDataDocument Class
8.22 Loading an XmlDocument and Retrieving the Values of Certain Nodes
8.23 Using the Relational View of an XmlDataDocument Object
8.24 Viewing Multiple Tables of a XmlDataDocument Object
8.25 Querying XML Data Using XPathDocument and XPathNavigator
8.26 Using XPathDocument and XPathNavigator Objects
8.27 Using XPathDocument and XPathNavigator Objects for Document Navigation
8.28 Transforming an XML Document Using XSLT
8.29 Transforming an XML Document to an HTML Document
8.30 Transforming an XML Document into Another XML Document
8.31 Working with XML and Databases
8.32 Creating an XML Document from a Database Query
8.33 Reading an XML Document into a DataSet
8.34 Summary
8.35 Solutions Fast Track
8.36 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 9: Debugging ASP.NET
9.01 Introduction
9.02 Handling Errors
9.03 Syntax Errors
9.04 Compilation Errors
9.05 Runtime Errors
9.06 Unstructured Error Handling
9.07 Structured Error Handling
9.08 Logic Errors
9.09 Page Tracing
9.10 Using the TraceClass
9.11 Sorting the Trace Information
9.12 Writing the Trace Information to the Application Log
9.13 Application Tracing
9.14 Using Visual Studio .NET Debugging Tools
9.15 Setting Breakpoints
9.16 Enabling and Disabling Debug Mode
9.17 Viewing Definitions Using the Object Browser
9.18 Using the Class Viewer
9.19 Summary
9.20 Solutions Fast Track
9.21 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 10: Web Services
10.01 Introduction
10.02 Understanding Web Services
10.03 Communication between Servers
10.04 .asmx Files
10.05 WSDL
10.06 Using XML in Web Services
10.07 An Overview of the System.Web.Services Namespace
10.08 The System.Web.Services.Description Namespace
10.09 The System.Web.Services.Discovery Namespace
10.10 The System.Web.Services.Protocols Namespace
10.11 Type Marshalling
10.12 Using DataSets
10.13 Summary
10.14 Solutions Fast Track
10.15 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 11: Creating an XML.NET Guestbook
11.01 Introduction
11.02 Functional Design Requirements of the XML Guestbook
11.03 Constructing the XML
11.04 Adding Records to the Guestbook
11.05 Understanding the pnlAdd Panel
11.06 Adding a Thank-You Panel with PnlThank
11.07 Exploring the Submit Button Handler Code
11.08 Viewing the Guestbook
11.09 Displaying Messages
11.10 Advanced Options for the Guestbook Interface
11.11 Manipulating Colors and Images
11.12 Modifying the Page Output
11.13 Summary
11.14 Solutions Fast Track
11.15 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 12: Creating an ADO.NET Shopping Cart
12.01 Introduction
12.02 Setting Up the Database
12.03 Setting Up the Table “Books”
12.04 Setting Up the Table “Categories”
12.05 Setting Up the Table “Customer”
12.06 Setting Up the Table “Orders”
12.07 Setting Up the Table “BookOrders”
12.08 Creating an Access Database
12.09 SQL Server Database
12.10 Creating the Stored Procedures
12.11 Creating the Web Services
12.12 Overview of the Book Shop Web Services
12.13 Creating the Data Connection
12.14 Creating a Web Service
12.15 Testing a Web Service
12.16 Using WSDL Web References
12.17 Building the Site
12.18 Site Administration
12.19 Creating the Administration Login (adminLogin.aspx)
12.20 Creating the Administrator Page (adminPage.aspx)
12.21 Retrieving the Data: Creating the getBooks.AllBooksWeb Method
12.22 Displaying the Data: Binding a DataGrid to the DataSet
12.23 Adding New Books to the Database: Creating the allBooks.addItem Web Method
12.24 Deleting Books: Deleting from the DataGrid and the Database
12.25 Updating Book Details: Updating the DataGrid and the Database
12.26 Creating the addBook Page (addBook.aspx)
12.27 Customer Administration
12.28 Creating the Customer Admin Section
12.29 Creating the loginCustomer Page
12.30 Creating the updateCustomerInfo Page
12.31 Creating an ADOCatalog
12.32 Creating the BookCatalog Class
12.33 Creating the CreateSummaryTable Method
12.34 Creating the InitCatalog Method
12.35 Creating the Catalog Method
12.36 Creating the catalogItemDetails, catalogRange, and catalogByCategory Methods
12.37 Creating the catalogRangeByCategory Method
12.38 Building an XMLCart
12.39 Creating the User Interface
12.40 Creating the start.aspx Page
12.41 Rendering the Catalog
12.42 Rendering the Cart
12.43 Creating the Code
12.44 Summary
12.45 Solutions Fast Track
12.46 Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 13: Creating a Message Board with ADO and XML
13.01 Introduction
13.02 Setting Up the Database
13.03 MSAccess Database
13.04 SQL Server Database
13.05 Designing Your Application
13.06 Designing Your Objects
13.07 Creating Your Data Access Object
13.08 Designing the UserClass
13.09 Designing the BoardClass
13.10 Designing the ThreadList Class
13.11 Designing the Thread class
13.12 Designing the PostList Class
13.13 Designing the PostClass
13.14 Designing the MessageBoard Class
13.15 Designing the User Interface
13.16 Setting Up General Functions
13.17 Building the Log-In Interface
13.18 Designing the Browsing Interface
13.19 Board Browsing
13.20 Thread Browsing
13.21 Message Browsing
13.22 Creating the User Functions
13.23 Editing the Member Profile
13.24 Creating Threads and Posts
13.25 Building the Administrative Interface
13.26 Summary
13.27 Solutions Fast Track
13.28 Frequently Asked Questions