Video Title: Corona Virus (COVID-19) By Kamal T. & Shubhashish Thakur
Artists: Kamal T. & Shubhashish ThakurBooks Links:1. Buy @ PayPal (PDF): US:• Mobile No.:+91 – 8454975016• Email
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1.1. Introduction
1.2. Virus Classification
1.3. Discovery
1.4. Etymology
1.5. Morphology
1.6. Genome
1.7. Life Cycle
1.7.1. Entry
1.7.2. Replication
1.7.3. Release
1.8. Transmission
1.9. Taxonomy
1.10. Evolution
1.11. Human Coronaviruses
1.12. Outbreaks of Coronavirus
1.12.1. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
1.12.2. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
1.12.3. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19)
1.13. Other Animals
1.13.1. Diseases Caused
1.13.2. In Domestic Animals
1.14. Genomic Cis-Acting Elements
1.15. Genome Packaging
Part – II: COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
2.1. Introduction
2.2. COVID-19
2.3. Signs and Symptoms
2.4. Cause
2.5. Diagnosis
2.6. Prevention
2.7. Management
2.7.1. Personal Protective Equipment
2.7.2. Mechanical Ventilation
2.7.3. Experimental Treatment
2.7.4. Information Technology
2.7.5. Psychological Support
2.8. Prognosis
2.9. Epidemiology
2.10. Terminology
2.11. Research
2.11.1. Vaccine
2.11.2. Antivirals
2.11.3. Anti-Cytokine Storm
2.11.4. Passive Antibody Therapy