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Project Management (April - 2014) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University} |
Below are the QUESTION PAPER of "Project Management" (April - 2014) [CBSGS - 75:25 Pattern] {Mumbai University}", download the Paper Solution from above link -^
Q.1. Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain "Royce's Analysis" towards Waterfall Model.
(B) What are the factors that can be abstracted with Software Economics? Explain in detail.
(C) How can the team effectiveness be improved? Explain.
(D) Write a short note on "Function Points".
Q.2. Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Enlist any ten principles of Conventional Process.
(B) Explain the significance of Vision Document.
(C) Write a short note on Management Perspective Architecture.
(D) Explain the different Lifecycle Phases in detail.
Q.3. Attempt Any Two Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain Interaction Workflows.
(B) "In order to ensure the consistency on various Artifacts, the Major Milestones Concentrate on Objective, Operational Capabilities, & Release Issues". Explain this statement.
(C) Explain different levels of evolutionary work Breakdown Structure.
(D) Enlist the top seven workflows and explain any four of them in detail.
Q.4. Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain about "Line-of-boniness" Organization.
(B) Explain the term "Software Project Team Evolution".
(C) Explain the basic fields of Software Change Order with the help of a template of the same.
(D) "Project software standard is to be set by organization policy." Explain the statement.
Q.5. Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain the three Management Indicators’ Metrics in detail.
(B) Write a short note on Pragmatic Software Metrics.
(C) Explain the two dimensions of process discriminate with neat diagram.
(D) Enlist the factors of tailoring a software process framework. Explain the scale factor in detail.
Q.6. Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain the term "Next Generation Software Economics".
(B) Explain the steps or strategies to make Error-Free Software.
(C) Write an exhaustive note on "Culture Shift".
(D) Explain how Modern Process Transition claims to be Fruitful.
Paper Solution