IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2017) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}

IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2017) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}
IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2017) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}

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Below are the QUESTION PAPER of "IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2017) [CBSGS - 75:25 Pattern] {Mumbai University}", download the Paper Solution from above link -^

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What is Copyright? What can be protected under Copyrights?
(B) Write Steps to Register Patent In UK.
(C) What do you understand by Design Rights? Explain in short.
(D) Write a short note on Unfair Competition of Intellectual Property.

Q.2 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Write the Data Protection Principles.
(B) Explain the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984.
(C) Write the disputes under intellectual Property Rights.
(D) Write a short note on TRIPS Agreement.

Q.3 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What are the rights of Patentee? Explain.
(B) Define the terms Assignee, Assignor. Discuss different types of assignment.
(C) What do you mean by Infringement of Patent? Explain.
(D) Write defences of Trademark.

Q.4 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Write any fie Civil Remedies in enforcement of IPR.
(B) Write the advantage of Licensing.
(C) What is the objective of IPR? Write the principles of IPR.
(D) List and explain different categories of Licensing Agreement.

Q.5 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) List out various domain related issues.
(B) Write the different roles of Certifying Authorities.
(C) Explain the scopes of Cyber Laws.
(D) What is the purpose of Cryptography in Digital Signature? Explain.

Q.6 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What does a Certifying Authority certify, while issuing the Digital Signature Certificate?
(B) Write the functions of controller of Certifying Authorities?
(C) What does chapter 3 of IT Act, 200, "Electronic Governance" stress upon?
(D) What are the duties of the subscriber of Digital Signature Certificate?

Q.7 Attempt Any Three Questions: (15 Marks)
(A) Write a short note on Trademark.
(B) Discuss Domain Name as Intellectual Property.
(C) Write steps to Register a Design.
(D) What are the Criminal Remedies for Copyright Violation? Explain.
(E) Explain verification process of Digital Signature.
(F) What kind of documents are not covered under IT Act, 2000?

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