IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2014) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}

IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2014) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}
IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2014) [CBSGS - Paper Solution] {Mumbai University}

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Below are the QUESTION PAPER of "IPR & Cyber Laws (October - 2014) [CBSGS - 60:40 Pattern] {Mumbai University}", download the Paper Solution from above link -^

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain the concept of Intellectual Property Rights.
(B) What is a Copyright? What are its characteristics?
(C) What is Trademark? What are its functions?
(D) Write short note on protection of Industrial Design.

Q.2 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Write short not on TRIPS.
(B) What are Domain Name Disputes?
(C) Discuss U.S. Safe Harbour Principles.
(D) Discuss Semiconductor Chip Protection Act.

Q.3 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What are the rights awarded to Patentee?
(B) Write a note on assignment of Copyright.
(C) What are the rights conferred by registration of Industrial Design?
(D) What are the defences set up by defendant in case of infringement of Trade Mark?

Q.4 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) Discuss Civil Remedies in Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights.
(B) What are special requirements for Border Security Measures?
(C) What are the advantages of IP Licensing of Licensor?
(D) Explain Practical aspects of Licensing.

Q.5 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What is Cyber Security? Explain the need for Cyber Law.
(B) What are the different roles of Certifying Authority?
(C) Discuss Privacy issues for Data and Software.
(D) Explain the need of Digital Signature.

Q.6 Attempt Any Two Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What are the objective of IT Act, 2000?
(B) What are the duties of the Subscriber of Digital Signature Certificate?
(C) When does the Certifying Authority suspend or revoke the Digital Signature Certificate?
(D) What is CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)? What are its functions?

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