Internet Technologies (May – 2018) [IDOL - Revsied Course | Question Paper]

Internet Technologies (May - 2018) [IDOL - Revsied Course | Question Paper]
Internet Technologies (May - 2018) [IDOL - Revsied Course | Question Paper]

☛ Text
☛ SlideShare
☛ GitHub
☛ G-Drive
☛ Torrent
☛ Pinterest
☛ YouTube

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

(1) All Question are Compulsory.
(2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made.
(3) Answers to the same question must be written together.
(4) Numbers to the right indicate marks.
(5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

Q.1 Attempt any two of the following: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain input module of TCP.
(B) Write a note on various links available in OSPF.
(C) Explain IPv6 base header format.
(D) Draw and explain DHCP packet format.

Q.2 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) Write a note on NAT (network address translation)
(B) Explain role of transport layer.
(C) Explain subnetting with example.
(D) State and explain Fragmentation module of IP Package.
(E) Explain strategies for transmission from IPv4 to IPv6.
(F) Write a note on Classless addressing.

Q.3 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) Draw and explain packet format of ARP.
(B) Draw and explain general format of ICMP messages.
(C) Write a note on Inefficiency in Mobile IP.
(D) Explain BGP messages.
(E) Explain two-node instability in RIP.
(F) Explain various types of LSA in OSPF.

Q.4 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) State and explain services of UDP.
(B) Write and Explain pseudo code of input module of UDP.
(C) Explain byte number, sequence number, acknowledgment number used in TCP.
(D) Explain Half close in TCP.
(E) Explain Association establishment of SCTP.
(F) Explain SACK chunk of SCTP.

Q.5 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) Draw and explain DHCP client transition diagram.
(B) Explain recursive and iterative resolution in DNS.
(C) Explain the concept of NVT and NVT character set.
(D) Explain in brief components of SSH.
(E) Explain in brief communication over control connection & data connection in FTP.
(F) Explain RRQ and WRQ messages of TFTP.

Q.6 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain in detail static, dynamic and active web documents.
(B) Explain persistence and nonpersistent connection of HTTP.
(C) Write a note on user agent of email system.
(D) Explain in detail the role of POP3 and IMAP4 in email system.
(E) Explain three approaches of stream stored audio/video.
(F) Draw and explain RTP Packet format.

Q.7 Attempt any three of the following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain in detail constructors used to create DatagramPacket.
(B) Write TCP socket program that will give factorial of a number.
(C) Explain ServerSocket class with its methods and properties.
(D) Explain how UDP socket programming works?
(E) Write UDP socket program that will display whether a string is palindrome or not.
(F) Write a Client/server application where a client contacts the server to obtain random number. Use Socket and Server Socket.