Software Testing (May – 2017) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

Software Testing (Revised Syllabus) [May – 2017 | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:    (1) All Question are Compulsory.
            (2) Make Suitable Assumptions Wherever Necessary And State The Assumptions Made.
            (3) Answer To The Same Question Must Be Written Together.
            (4) Number To The Right Indicates Marks.
            (5) Draw Neat Labeled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Q.1 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain the BIG BANG Approach of Testing.
(B) Explain Brainstorming Process.
(C) How to write Good Test Case?
(D) What are the characteristics of Good Requirements?

Q.2 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Define Quality. Discuss the customer’s view of Quality.
(B) Differentiate between ‘Q’ Organisation and ‘q’ Organisation.
(C) Describe any one Software Development Model in detail.
(D) What are the principles of Software Testing? Discuss.
(E) Define Testing. Why Testing is necessary?
(F) Explain VV model for Testing with diagram.

Q.3 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) What is Boundary Value Testing? List all the limitations of Boundary Value Testing.
(B) Explain the concept of Equivalence Class Testing with an example.
(C) What is Decision Table Based Testing? Where it can be used and list the components of Decision Based Testing.
(D) Differentiate between Strong Equivalence Class Testing and Weak Equivalence Class Testing.
(E) Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of decision Table Based Testing.
(F) Write the Guidelines for Boundary Value Testing.

Q.4 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) What are the Coverage Criteria? Explain the Testing Process of Data Flow.
(B) Discuss the Data Flow Analysis Anomalies.
(C) Explain the concept of program graph with an example.
(D) Describe Metric Based Testing.
(E) Discuss the fou steps method devised by McCabe to carry out basis path testing.
(F) Write a short note on LOOP Coverage.
Q.5 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) What are the levels of Testing? Explain.
(B) What is Integration Testing? List all the Integration Testing Strategies. Explain any one.
(C) List all Advantages and Disadvantages of Call Graph Integration Testing.
(D) Briefly explain the concept of System Testing.
(E) Define the term ‘Interaction’. Discuss Taxonomy o Interactions.
(F) Define Threads. What are the Distinct Levels of Threads?

Q.6 Attempt Any Two of the Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain Object Oriented Testing.
(B) Discuss the relationship between Collaboration Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
(C) How Object Oriented Integration Testing is different from Object Oriented Testing?
(D) Discuss the Implications of Composition and Encapsulation.
(E) Write a short note on Class Testing.
(F) What is UML Based System Testing? Explain.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three from the Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Define Test Policy. Explain the General Content of Test Policy.
(B) What is Test Plan? What are the benefits of Test Plan?
(C) Describe the purpose of Test Reports.
(D) Explain Benchmarking Concept. Why it is requied?
(E) Differentiate between Qualitative Data and Quantitative Data.
(F) Explain the concept of Checklist.