Linux Administration (April – 2015) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

Linux Administration (Revised Syllabus) [April – 2015 | Question Paper]
Linux Administration (Revised Syllabus) [April – 2015 | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:    (1) All Question are Compulsory.
            (2) Make Suitable Assumptions Wherever Necessary And State The Assumptions Made.
            (3) Answer To The Same Question Must Be Written Together.
            (4) Number To The Right Indicates Marks.
            (5) Draw Neat Labeled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain with example how multiple user's password can be changed in a single operation.
(B) Explain different types of Servers used in DNS.
(C) Explain different Secure and Less Secure Services.
(D) Explain RAID in detail with its advantages and disadvantages.

Q.2 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain Virtual File System (VFS) in brief.
(B) Explain GRUB and LILO Boot Loaders.
(C) Explain different init Levels and state how the init level can be changed with the help of inittab file.
(D) How a particular user account is handled by an administrator if the account holder has left the company?
(E) Explain steps of Installing and Configuring Application Software.
(F) Explain Features of Linux in detail with different Linux Distributions.

Q.3 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is an IP address? What are different classes of IP Address?
(B) How to work with Gateway and Routers?
(C) Describe syslog.conf file in details.
(D) What are the advantages and disadvantages of NFS? Explain in detail.
(E) Write System Environmental setting files.
(F) What is Corn? How Corn files are taking care of system task explain.

Q.4 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain use of samba server in detail, how to enable & disable samba services.
(B) Explain how to configure xinted services.
(C) Explain use of ssh, scp, sftp, talk, finger services.
(D) Explain how to configure Time Server.
(E) Explain how Linux files can be shared on Windows Machine. Explain steps of samba client.
(F) Explain Configuring Linux Firewall packages.

Q.5 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain Forward Zone and Reverse Zone of DNS.
(B) Write in detail the protocols used for E-Mail System.
(C) Explain different types of Servers used in DNS. State which are different files are used by these servers.
(D) What is the use of DNS? Explain three types of DNS Servers.
(E) Explain the use FTP Server. Explain the steps for vsftpd configuration.
(F) Explain the configuration of Postfix Mail Server.

Q.6 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain Apache Web Server with its features.
(B) Explain steps of Configuring Apache for SSI and testing the configuration.
(C) What is RSS Feed? How is it configured? Explain.
(D) Explain ht://Dig in detail.
(E) Explain how Apache Transmits a document according to a client's request with diagram.
(F) Explain Mailing Lists.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain steps of Optimizing WEB Services.
(B) What is the use of up2date Agent?
(C) What are the advantages of Shadow Password over Traditional Password System?
(D) Write a short note on upgrading and customizing Kernel.
(E) What are the general RPM Command Line options? Explain.
(F) Write the command to change the User's Login Shell. Explain with suitable example.