ASP.NET With C# (October – 2012) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

ASP.NET With C# (Revised Syllabus) [October – 2012 | Question Paper]
ASP.NET With C# (Revised Syllabus) [October – 2012 | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:    (1) All Question are Compulsory.
            (2) Make Suitable Assumptions Wherever Necessary And State The Assumptions Made.
            (3) Answer To The Same Question Must Be Written Together.
            (4) Number To The Right Indicates Marks.
            (5) Draw Neat Labeled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) What is assembly? Explain the purpose of assemblies in .NET Frame Work.
(B) What is ViewState? Explain.
(C) What is method overloading? Explain with examples.
(D) What are the application services provided in ASP.NET? Explain.

Q.2 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is namespace? Explain System namespace.
(B) Explain write() and WriteLine() Methods with examples.
(C) What is fall through in switch with respect to switch in C#? Explain.
(D) What are sealed classes and sealed methods? Why are they used?
(E) Explain the implicit and explicit conversion of data types with examples.
(F) What are indexers? Explain with example.

Q.3 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are the different types of collection in .NET? Explain.
(B) What are the two types of delegates? Explain each with an example.
(C) What is the use of menus and toolbars in windows application? Explain.
(D) What is Common DialogBox? Explain FontDialog with suitable example.
(E) Explain Sorted, SelectedMode, MultiColumn, SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties of ListBox Control.
(F) Write a windows application to open the website upon click the link. Write the necessary events and steps required for implementation. [Hint: Use Link Label]

Q.4 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain .NET Framework architecture in detail.
(B) Explain the work of session state in ASP.NET.
(C) Explain the use of web.config and globel.asx files in ASP.NET application.
(D) Explain ASP.NET Page Life Cycle.
(E) Write a short note on Server Site State Management.
(F) What is CSS? Explain Inline and Embedded CSS.

Q.5 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain Content Page and Master Page with example.
(B) Explain Request and Response Objects of ASP.NET.
(C) Write a code to redirect the page to when typed as
(D) Explain the following validation controls with examples:
     (i) Compare Validator
     (ii) Customer Validator
     (iii) Range Validator
     (iv) RegularExpressionValidator
     (v) RequiredFieldValidator
(E) How to use the ASP.NET Validation Control to Validate the User Input.
(F) What is Regular Expression? Explain Regex Patterns.

Q.6 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is LINQ? Explain its syntax and give its advantages.
(B) List is LINQ? Explain ADO.NET objects.
(C) List all the step in order, to access a database through ADO.NET.
(D) How can query syntax and extension methods be mixed? Explain.
(E) Write short note on XPath.
(F) List the necessary steps to publish the website in ASP.NET.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is ASP.NET AJAX? Explain the working of AJAX.
(B) Briefly explain the concept of jQuery and its syntax.
(C) What is Web Service? Explain the basic steps of creating web service.
(D) Explain DOM manipulation methods in jQuery.
(E) Explain the basic steps for creating AJAX application with ASP.NET.
(F) Write a jQuery Application to create an animation.