ASP.NET With C# (April – 2015) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

ASP.NET With C# (Revised Syllabus) [April – 2015 | Question Paper]
ASP.NET With C# (Revised Syllabus) [April – 2015 | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:    (1) All Question are Compulsory.
            (2) Make Suitable Assumptions Wherever Necessary And State The Assumptions Made.
            (3) Answer To The Same Question Must Be Written Together.
            (4) Number To The Right Indicates Marks.
            (5) Draw Neat Labeled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) What is a Property? Why are they referred to as Smart Fields?
(B) What is the importance of Web.Config File in any Web Application?
(C) What is the difference between Server Controls and User Controls?
(D) What is the significance of AJAX Websites?

Q.2 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is an event? What is an Event Handler? How is it designed?
(B) Define an Exception called "NoMatchException" that is thrown when a string is not equal to "India". Write a program that uses this Exception.
(C) Explain with an example the concept of Method Overloading?
(D) List and Explain the various Primitive Data Types used in C#.
(E) Write a Console Program to find a Fibonacci series of entered number.
(F) Explain the differences between Interface and Abstract Classes.

Q.3 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are CSS? Explain different Selectors used to write CSS.
(B) Explain the terms: JIT Compiler and Garbage Collector.
(C) What are Collections? Write different collections supported by C#.
(D) List and Explain five properties of Textbox Control.
(E) Explain HashTable collection with an example.
(F) What are Assemblies? Discuss its different components.

Q.4 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain the following properties associated with Dropdown List Control:
      (i) SelectedItem
      (ii) SelectedIndex
      (iii) Items
      (vi) SelectionMode
(B) What is the difference between RadioButton and CheckButton Controls?
(C) Explain StausStrip Control.
(D) What is Global.asax File? Explain its Structure.
(E) What are Skins? Why are they used?
(F) List and Explain Properties of Page Class.

Q.5 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is a Caching? Explain its types.
(B) Explain the following Validation Controls with the help of an example:
      (i) Regulars Expression Validator 
      (ii) Compare Validator
(C) Explain in brief about Cookies.
(D) What are four application Events when an Application is executed?
(E) What is View State? How to preserve View State for user's own data.
(F) Explain any two Site Navigation Controls in ASP.NET.

Q.6 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is LINQ? Explain the structure of a LINQ Query.
(B) What is Data Binding? Explain its different types.
(C) Explain ADO.NET Object Model with help of suitable diagram.
(D) Explain any four properties of GridView Control.
(E) How Authorization is used in case of providing Security to Web Application.
(F) Write a short note on basic ADO.NET Objects.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are different LINQ Operators?
(B) Write a snippet code to hide and display the Header Text on click Command Button using j-Query. [Hint: use Hide() and Show()]
(C) What is an Ajax? Explain it's the importance.
(D) Explain XMLHttpRequest Object with its properties and methods.
(E) What are the advantages of Web Services?
(F) Explain DOM Manipulation Methods in j-Query.