Network Security (November – 2014) [CBSGS - 75:25 Pattern | Question Paper]

[Question Paper] Network Security (75:25 Pattern) [November – 2014]
[Question Paper] Network Security (75:25 Pattern) [November – 2014]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – V
[Network Security]
Question Paper (November – 2014) [75:25 Pattern]

Time: 2 ½ Hours
Total Marks: 75

N.B.:   (1) All Question are Compulsory.
            (2) Make Suitable Assumptions Wherever Necessary And State The Assumptions Made.
            (3) Answer To The Same Question Must Be Written Together.
            (4) Number To The Right Indicates Marks.
            (5) Draw Neat Labeled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Q.1 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) What is the principle behind One Time Pads? Why is it highly secure?
(B) Explain the various ways of attack, such as known Plain-Text Attack?
(C) What are the two basic ways of transforming Plain-Text into Cipher?
(D) Explain the following principles of security:
      (i) Non-Repudiation
      (ii) Integrity

Q.2 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) Explain CFB (Cipher Feedback) Mode of Algorithms.
(B) What are the features of blowfish algorithm? Explain the steps in Encryption process using Blowfish Algorithm?
(C) Explain the Principles / Working of IDEA Algorithm.
(D) Explain in detail the steps in each round of DES.

Q.3 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) Compare Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography using their various characteristics?
(B) What are the Key Requirement of Message Digest?
(C) What is the difference between MAC and Message Digester?
(D) Explain the concept of Digital of Digital Envelop?

Q.4 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) Write short note on Private Key Management.
(B) What is cross-certification? Why is it needed?
(C) Describe the role of CA in Creation / Revocation of Digital Certificate.
(D) Explain the steps in Creation of Digital Certificate.

Q.5 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) What is buffer overflow attack on SSL?
(B) What are the objectives of SET, how are they achieved?
(C) Write a detailed note on VPN (Virtual Private Network).
(D) What are the attacks on Packet Filter Firewall?

Q.6 Attempt Any Two Of The Following: (10 Marks)
(A) What is authentication token? Explain briefly, how it works?
(B) Explain the password based authentication and the problems associated with it.
(C) Explain the usage of smart cards in authentication.
(D) Explain Shared Secret Method of mutual authentication.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three Of The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are the different types of Criminal Attack?
(B) Discuss how Encryption happens in RC5?
(C) Explain the working of SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm).
(D) Explain PKCS#5 PBE (Password Based Encryption) Standard.
(E) Explain the concept of NAT (Network Address Translation).
(F) Write a detailed note on Biometric Authentication.