Operating System Concepts BY Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin & Greg Gagne [Wiley]

Operating System Concepts BY  Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin & Greg Gagne [Wiley]
Operating System Concepts BY  Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin & Greg Gagne [Wiley]

Title: Operating System Concepts
Author's: Abraham Silberschatz / Peter Baer Galvin / Greg Gagne
Publisher: Wiley
Edition: 8th Edition
Year: 2009
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Book Description:
Operating System Concepts: 8th Edition Wiley Student Edition covers important topics from the rapidly changing fields of operating systems and networking like virtual machines, open–source operating systems and clustered computing. This book prepares you for the day-to-day emerging developments by helping you master the basic concepts of operating systems. With organizational changes and substantial revisions, this book remains relevant and updated.

The Eight Edition provides you with information on various advanced developments such as multi–core processors, transactional memory, open–source operating systems, Solaris 10 memory management, clustered computers, virtual machines, NUMA, Sun's ZFS file system, etc.

The text brings you to speed up on core knowledge and skills, including what operating systems are, what they do and how they are designed and constructed; Process, memory and storage management; Protection and security; Distributed systems; Special–purpose systems; Beyond the basics. It also uses a simulator to dynamically demonstrate several operating systems. This book, published in 2009 can help you keep pace with the ever developing world of operating systems. Operating System Concepts: 8th Edition Wiley Student Edition is available in paperback.

About The Author:
About the Author: Abraham Silberschatz is the Sidney J. Weinberg Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Yale University. He served as the Vice President of the Information Sciences Research Center at Bell Laboratories before joining Yale. Before that, he was a professor at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Computer Sciences. He is also a part of IEEE and ACM. He received the ACM SIGMOD Contribution Award in 1997. In 1998, he was awarded the ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award and The IEEE Taylor L. Booth Education Award was awarded to Mr Silberchatz in the 2002. He was awarded the Bell Laboratories President's Award for his innovative technical excellence. Famous in his field of teachings, he also teaches computer networks, distributed systems and software engineering. He also provides workshops to computer science educators and industry professionals. Being a writer, Professor Silberschatz' works have appeared and highlighted in ACM and IEEE publications and several other journals and conferences.