Graphics For Learning: Proven Guidelines For Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals In Training Materials BY Ruth C. Clark & Chopeta Lyons (2nd Edition) [John Wiley & Sons]

Graphics For Learning: Proven Guidelines For Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals In Training Materials BY Ruth C. Clark & Chopeta Lyons (2nd Edition) [John Wiley & Sons]
Graphics For Learning: Proven Guidelines For Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals In Training Materials BY Ruth C. Clark & Chopeta Lyons (2nd Edition) [John Wiley & Sons]

Title: Graphics For Learning: Proven Guidelines For Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals In Training Materials
Author's: Ruth C. Clark / Chopeta Lyons
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Edition: 2nd Edition
Year: 2010
Paperback: 420 Pages
Download: PDF (N/A)
Buy: ONLINE (Amazon)

Book Description:
This second edition of the bestselling book summarizes guidelines for best use of graphics for instructional materials, including multimedia, texts, classroom aids, and slides used for briefings. These guidelines are based on updated scientific research and contain illustrative examples including examples for readers without a background in psychology. The authors help trainers tie graphics into their lesson topics and include facts, concepts, processes, procedures, and principles. The book discusses technical and environmental issues (such as bandwidth or screen size) that will influence how instructional professionals can apply the guidelines.

About The Author:
Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark is an instructional psychologist with a specialty in design and development of effective workforce learning. She is the author of e–Learning and the Science of Instruction and her book, Building Expertise, was awarded Outstanding Instructional Communication from the International Society of Performance Improvement.

Chopeta Lyons has created award–winning print and online learning products during her twenty–five years of developing training solutions. She has directed teams of designers, writers, programmers, audio talent, graphic designers, and artists to create custom solutions for the training needs of numerous corporations and organizations. She is the author of several articles on e–learning and a college textbook, Discover Writing.