Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
N.B.: (1) Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from Q.2 – Q.7.
(3) Make suitable assumptions whenever necessary and state the assumption made.
(4) Numbers to the right indicate maximum marks.
(5) Draw a neat labeled diagram whenever necessary.
Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What is the importance of “Infinite Loop” in Embedded System?
(B) Distinguish between PROM and EPROM.
(C) What is Deadlock? Explain.
(D) What is Cyclic Redundancy Check? Explain.
Q.2 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Why ‘C’ Programming language is preferred for Embedded System Programs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of JAVA for Embedded System Programming?
(B) What are Emulators? How are they different from remote debuggers?
(C) Write a short note on Watch Dog Timers.
Q.3 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Discuss the use of control and status registers as interface between embedded processor and Peripheral Devices. Comment on their advantages and limitations.
(B) Explain any two scheduling points in brief. What is their advantage?
(C) Write note on DRAM Controllers.
Q.4 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Discuss the Common Design Requirements for Embedded Systems.
(B) Explain the importance of Embedded System in Digital Watch.
(C) Write note on Data Bus Test.
Q.5 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Discuss the roles of Complier, Linker and Locator.
(B) Draw a diagram to represent the Embedded Software Development Process. Explain in brief the functions of the various blocks present therein.
(C) Explain the concept of Flash Memory.
Q.6 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What are Mutexes? Discuss the role played by Mutexes in Tasks Synchronization with relevant example.
(B) What is DMA? Describe its working in brief.
(C) What is Device Driver? Explain its role. What are the benefits of Good Device Driver Design?
Q.7 Write Short notes on: – (20 Marks)
(A) Context Switch
(B) Electrical Wiring problems on Circuit boards
(C) Real Time Operating System
(D) Memory Map
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