Embedded System (September – 2013) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:     (1) All Questions are Compulsory.
              (2) Figures on right indicate maximum marks.

Q.1 Attempt The Following Questions: (10 Marks)
(A) What is the difference between embedded systems and general purpose systems?
(B) What is Interrupt? What is I/O Mapping?

Q.2 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Discuss the classification of Embedded System.
(B) What is Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)? Explain its role in embedded System Design.
(C) Write note on RISC Controllers.
(D) Explain different applications of Embedded System.

Q.3 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Discuss embedded system as used in any one device or application.
(B) Explain the Reliability, a quality attribute in the Embedded System Design.
(C) Explain the quality attribute Response and Throughput in the Embedded System Design Context.
(D) Explain different characteristics of Embedded System.

Q.4 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Explain the role of infinite loop in embedded system program.
(B) Explain the role of linker in embedded system programming.
(C) What is Debugging? Explain.
(D) Write note on Compliers.

Q.5 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Discuss the various types of ROM.
(B) Write note on Flash Memory.
(C) What is Memory Map? Explain in detail.
(D) Discuss in detail Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

Q.6 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Explain the role of Control Register and Status Register.
(B) Explain the importance of Device Driver.
(C) How Real Time Operating System is different from PC Operating System?
(D) Write note on Watchdog Timer.

Q.7 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)

(A) Write note on Simulators.
(B) Discuss in detail Embedded Product Development Life Cycle.
(C) What are the trends in Embedded Industry?
(D) What is Cross Compilation? Explain in detail.