E-Commerce (September – 2013) [IDOL - Old Course | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:  (1) All Questions are Compulsory.
           (2) Figures on right indicate maximum marks.

Q.1 Write short note on: – (20 Marks)
(A) Internet and Intranet
(B) E-commerce
(D) E-mail

Q.2 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain SET.
(B) Explain following topology: –
      (i) Star
      (ii) Ring
(C) Write a short note on Gopher

Q.3 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain OSI Reference Model.
(B) Explain Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography.
(C) Write a short notes on: –
      (i) SMTP
      (ii) POP

Q.4 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) What is the difference between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce?
(B) Discuss Direct and In-Direct benefits of EDI.
(C) Explain DNS.

Q.5 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Discuss Digital signature concept with suitable example.
(B) Explain X.400 MHS Functional Model.
(C) Discuss Cyber Cash concept.

Q.6 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Discuss Communication Media with suitable diagram.
(B) Explain security issues of E-Transaction.
(C) Explain WHOIS concept.

Q.7 Attempt The Following Questions: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain SSL and working of SSL.
(B) Explain briefly hashing technique.
(C) Explain different Internet Technical Groups.