Database Concept and System (September – 2013) [IDOL - Old Course | Question Paper]

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:     (1) Questions No. 1 is Compulsory.
              (2) Answer any four questions from the remaining questions.
              (3) All questions carry equal marks.
              (4) Write specific points and give examples where needed in support of your answer.

Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What are Transaction? Explain ACID properties.
(B) Explain SET Operators in detail.

Q.2 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the duties of database administrator. Explain the different types of database users.
(B) What are the drawback of using file system and the advantages of using DBMS?

Q.3 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What is the difference between generalization and specialization? Why do we not display the difference in schema diagrams?
(B) Explain the concept of aggregation. Illustrate with the help of an example.

Q.4 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain with an example all the operators used in relational algebra.
(B) List the different constraints in DDL and explain any three of them.

Q.5 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What is Normal Form? Explain the various Normal Forms?
(B) What is the goal of query optimization? Why is it important?

Q.6 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Write short note on Lock Based Protocol and Timestamp Based Protocol.
(B) How can deadlock be handled in DBMS?

Q.7 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Write short note on Data Analysis, Data Mining and Data Warehousing.
(B) Write short note on information retrieval systems.