System Programming (April – 2014) [IDOL - Old Course | Question Paper]

B.Sc.IT: Semester – III (Old Course)
[System Programming]
Question Paper | April – 2014

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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:      (1) Questions No. 1 is Compulsory.
               (2) Attempt any four from the questions 2 to 7.
               (3) Each question carrier’s equal marks.
               (4) Assume suitable data whenever required.

Q.1 Attempt The Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the following commands with syntax and example of each: –
who cat grep rmdir more
man le dul we df

Q.2 Perform the Following Operations: (20 Marks)
(A) Change the file permissions of the file new text to 666.
(B) Display the last 20 files present in the current directory.
(C) Display the last 20 lines from the file test 1.
(D) Create a directory mydir in the current directory.
(E) Search all lines in a file which ends with A.

Q.3 Answer The Following: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the working of chmod command with an example.
(B) Explain in detail steps for formatting a disk.
(C) Write the syntax of if unconditional statement in UNIIX. Explain with an example.

Q.4 Perform The Following Operations: (20 Marks)
(A) Create a directory called stud change to the stud directory. Verify whether you have actually changed to stud directory. Return to your Original Directory.
(B) Give the command to extract the logins of the people and their terminal type.
(C) Sort all the users who are logged in a file output io.
(D) Append the contents of file1 and file2 into the third file file3.

Q.5 Answer The Following (Write the UNIX Commands): (20 Marks)
(A) How can you display list of all files including the hidden files?
(B) What do you use to forward errors to a file?
(C) How do you delete a file?
(D) What command do you have to use to go the parent directory?
(E) With what command you can see your user name?

Q.6 Attempt The Following: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain the details about UNIX System Architecture.
(B) What does the Kernel in Buffer Read Ahead?
(C) List the building block primitives of UNIX with examples.
(D) What are the contents of a password file?

Q.7 Attempt The Following: (20 Marks)
(A) Define sleep and wakeup with suitable example.
(B) What are orphan and zombie process?
(C) State the need for unmask functions.

(D) How is process accounting done in UNIX?

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