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Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
N.B.: (1) All Questions are Compulsory.
Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Define the following terms with example:
(i) Object
(ii) Class
(B) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used respectively. Where getInfo() will be private method.
Q.2 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are the features of Object Oriented Programming? Give any two applications.
(B) Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
(C) Explain polymorphism with example.
(D) Explain the following characteristics of OOP.
(i) Encapsulation
(ii) Reusability
Q.3 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Static Function? How do we declare a member of a Class Static?
(B) Explain Dynamic Constructor with examples.
(C) What is Class Destructor? Explain.
(D) What is Constructor? State the characteristics of constructor in OOP.
Q.4 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain the concept of Operator Overloading?
(B) Write a friend for adding the two different subject marks and display its sum, using two classes.
(C) Overload the operator unary(++) for demonstrating Operator Overloading.
(D) Design a class shape containing the methods area() and volume() and also overload the area() function.
Q.5 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Inheritance? Explain Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance with example.
(B) Explain protected versus private member access mode.
(C) Explain the following terms in brief:
(i) Virtual Class Function
(ii) Abstract Class
(D) Explain the different types of File Mode.
Q.6 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain following functions:
(i) put()
(i) get()
(iii) getline()
(iv) write()
(v) read()
(B) Define the following terms:
(i) Stream
(ii) Input Stream
(iii) Output Stream
(C) Explain Stream Manipulator with examples.
(D) What is Exception Handling? Explain.
Q.7 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Standard Template Library (STL)? How STL is different from C++ Standard Library?
(B) What is function Template? Explain it with example.
(C) What is Class Template? Explain it with example.
(D) What is Container? State and explain types of Containers.
Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Define the following terms with example:
(i) Object
(ii) Class
(B) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used respectively. Where getInfo() will be private method.
Q.2 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What are the features of Object Oriented Programming? Give any two applications.
(B) Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
(C) Explain polymorphism with example.
(D) Explain the following characteristics of OOP.
(i) Encapsulation
(ii) Reusability
Q.3 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Static Function? How do we declare a member of a Class Static?
(B) Explain Dynamic Constructor with examples.
(C) What is Class Destructor? Explain.
(D) What is Constructor? State the characteristics of constructor in OOP.
Q.4 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain the concept of Operator Overloading?
(B) Write a friend for adding the two different subject marks and display its sum, using two classes.
(C) Overload the operator unary(++) for demonstrating Operator Overloading.
(D) Design a class shape containing the methods area() and volume() and also overload the area() function.
Q.5 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Inheritance? Explain Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance with example.
(B) Explain protected versus private member access mode.
(C) Explain the following terms in brief:
(i) Virtual Class Function
(ii) Abstract Class
(D) Explain the different types of File Mode.
Q.6 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) Explain following functions:
(i) put()
(i) get()
(iii) getline()
(iv) write()
(v) read()
(B) Define the following terms:
(i) Stream
(ii) Input Stream
(iii) Output Stream
(C) Explain Stream Manipulator with examples.
(D) What is Exception Handling? Explain.
Q.7 Attempt Any Three From The Following: (15 Marks)
(A) What is Standard Template Library (STL)? How STL is different from C++ Standard Library?
(B) What is function Template? Explain it with example.
(C) What is Class Template? Explain it with example.
(D) What is Container? State and explain types of Containers.