Introduction To C++ Programming (January – 2014) [IDOL - Revised Course | Question Paper]

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B.Sc.IT: Semester – I
[Introduction To C++ Programming]
Question Paper (January – 2014) [Revised Course]

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100

N.B.:    (1) All Questions from 1 to 7 are Compulsory.
            (2) Figure To right indicate the marks.

Q.1 Attempt The Following Question: (10 Marks)
(A) Define and explain Algorithm Concepts with suitable example.
(B) Write a program in C++ to Swap Two Numbers Without using third Number.
(C) What are Backslash Constants in C++?
(D) Draw Flow Chart for generation of n factorial series numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 . . .
(E) Write short note on Scope Resolution Operator.

Q.2 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) What are the various symbols used while drawing flowcharts? Explain.
(2) Write an algorithm to find sum of ten numbers.
(3) What is C++? What are its Application?
Q.2 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) Explain the advantages of Flowcharts.
(2) Define Algorithm and its Characteristics.

Q.3 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) Explain insertion and extraction Operators in C++.
(2) Enlist the basic data types used in C++ with size of data in terms of bytes of each.
(3) What are types of constants in C++? Explain.
Q.3 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) What are references Variable? Explain.
(2) Explain the Arithmetic and Relational Operators in C++ with example.

Q.4 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) What are the Different Selection Statements in C++? Give Syntax for each.
(2) What are the different Looping Structures in C++? Give Syntax for each.
(3) Explain Following Loop Control Statements:
      (i) Break Statements
      (ii) Continue Statements
Q.4 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) What are Manipulators? Explain with examples.
(2) Write a program in C++ that finds a larger number among three numbers.

Q.5 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) What is Call by Value and Call By Reference. Explain with example.
(2) Explain the following built – in – functions.
      (i) getchar
      (ii) strcat
      (iii) strcpy
      (iv) strlen
      (v) strcmp
(3) Explain the concept of function overloading with suitable example.
Q.5 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) Explain functions with arguments and a return value. 
(2) Write a program in C++ by using functions to find the sum of three numbers.

Q.6 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) What is an array? What are the different types of array?
(2) Explain how to pass array elements to a function.
(3) Explain how to access a variable through its pointer.
Q.6 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) What are pointers? Give the advantages of using pointers.
(2) Explain how array is declared and accessing the elements of an Array.

Q.7 (A) Attempt Any Two From The Following: (10 Marks)
(1) Explain how to declare and Initializing string variable with suitable example.
(2) Explain different string handling functions with suitable examples.
(3) What is a structure? Explain how to declare and create a structure with example.
Q.7 (B) Attempt Any One From The Following: (5 Marks)
(1) Write a program in C++ to count the number of Characters in String.
(2) Explain the Functions of Vectors:
      (i) assign()
      (ii) empty()
      (iii) erase()

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