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B.Sc.IT: Semester – III
[Computer Graphics]
Question Paper (April - 2015) [Old Course]
Time: 3 HoursTotal Marks: 100
N.B.: (1) Questions No. 1 is Compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions from the following.
(3) Draw neat diagram whenever required.
(A) Describe TCPIP Reference Model with a neat diagram.
(B) What do you mean by Multiplexing? Explain its types.
Q.2 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Describe High Level Data Link Control and its operation.
(B) What are the different types of Network Topologies? Discuss star and bus topologies with their advantages and advantages.
Q.3 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain two types of Line Configuration?
(B) Explain X.25 Protocol in detail.
Q.4 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) What is IP? Explain the IPv4 Datagram Header Format with diagram.
(B) Explain Flow Control and Protocols
(i) Stop-Wait
(ii) Sliding Window.
Q.5 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Explain DNS and Resource Encoding. Explain how DNS Servers works?
(B) What is Checksum? List the steps involved in creating a checksums.
Q.6 Attempt The Following Question: (20 Marks)
(A) Define Distributed System with its example and goals.
(B) What is Routing? Explain Adaptive and Alternative Routing in detail.
Q.7 Write Short Notes on: (20 Marks)
(B) Fiber Optic Cable
(C) Bridges and Routers
(D) Cryptography
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